Monday, March 29, 2010


What is a friend really? Is it someone who loves you? Is it someone who cares about you? Is a friends someone who hates the same assholes you hate? I have to say, making friends is hard. Losing them is easy. People slip through our fingers everyday, like sand in an hour glass. But what does that mean with those that we truly trust? Should we not trust our friends? Should we hide out fears and worries away from those closest to us? Is it true that those who know us best hurt us the most?

Friends are hard to make. It's hard to walk up to someone and introduce yourself, to talk about someone that you enjoy speaking about and then end up being friends. These days half of the people on someone's friends list on Facebook and Myspace aren't even people the person remotely likes. Is that what a friend is? Someone who you don't like yet allow to see your personal information?

This year I was able to check off one of my goals. I made friends with three wonderful girls who happened to be better at being friends than the ones that I so desperately wanted to love me before. I can honestly say that I made three friends. I made them all at once, and now... I feel complete.

A friend is someone who loves you. It doesn't matter how they show it. It doesn't matter how they tell you. They love you, and that is that.

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